A Cambridge
International A Level qualification in English Language can be achieved either
as a staged assessment over different examination series or in one examination
Once Advanced Subsidiary has been achieved, inform Cambridge if the candidate wishes to take the Advanced Level – this notification is not required in advance of achieving the AS qualification.
Candidates following a staged assessment route who have taken AS English Language syllabus 8693 in year 2013 and who wish to sit Papers 3 and 4 of syllabus 9093 in 2014 will be able to gain an A Level. (Syllabus 8693 is examined for the last time in November 2013 and is replaced by Papers 1 and 2 of syllabus 9093 in 2014.)
Candidates following a linear two year course, with all examinations at the end of their course, will be able to take Papers 1, 2, 3 and 4 of syllabus 9093 in 2015.
Subsidiary Level (AS)
Useful Links
Ø xtremepapers.com – chunk
of resources for A levels.
2. English Literature - 9695
3. English - Literature 9276
4. Media and Magazine
Ø itpworld
Ø ocrmedia
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